Monday, June 20, 2022

C&N Reaches Over 600 Children with “Teach Children to Save” Program

Marissa Berthiaume (left) and Brittany Zagozewski (right) presented a Teach the Children to Save Lesson to two preschool classes.
Amy McMichael (left) and Linda Ordway (right) from our New York offices reading financial literacy books to a 2nd grade class

WELLSBORO, PA – C&N team members participated in the American Bankers Association Education Foundation’s annual “Teach Children to Save” initiative giving a combined total of 21 financial presentations and bank tours throughout April, reaching over 600 children. Since 2008, C&N has worked with local children through this program to enhance their financial education. “Teach Children to Save” uses games and real-life situations to help children understand basic money management tools, such as saving, prioritizing, budgeting and more.

It’s never too early to start learning life-long savings habits. Here are some tips to help raise money-smart kids:

•    Talk to your child about your family budget and discuss wants versus needs, the value of saving, budgeting and the consequences of not doing so.
•    Open a “Ju$t 4 Kid$ Sammy Saver” savings account with your child and bring them with you to make deposits. This will give them hands on money management experience. Plus, your child will get a card for their birthday from Sammy and friends.
•    Teens can open a Teen $teps Checking account that will help teach them to set financial goals if they want to purchase big-ticket items such as video equipment or designer clothes.

Financial literacy is the cornerstone of strong and prosperous communities. C&N takes pride in being a leader in educating our community members about managing their personal finances and appreciates the opportunity our local schools and organizations provide to share this education with their students.  

About C&N: C&N is an independent community bank providing complete banking, financial, investment and insurance services through 31 full-service offices located throughout Bradford, Bucks, Cameron, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Lycoming, McKean, Potter, Sullivan, Tioga and York, counties in Pennsylvania and Steuben County in NY. C&N also operates a loan production office in Elmira, NY, which offers commercial, residential and consumer lending services. C&N can be found online at The Company’s stock is listed on NASDAQ Capital Market Securities under the symbol CZNC.

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