Tuesday, September 6, 2022

PA Wilds Digital Community Gift Cards Now Available for Purchase

Those wishing to support small businesses in the Pennsylvania Wilds region now have a new tool to do so.

People from anywhere can now make sure their dollars stay within the region by purchasing the new Shop the PA Wilds digital community gift card for friends, family or even coworkers.

The Shop the PA Wilds digital community gift card allows people to give the perfect gift - funds to shop at area restaurants, artisans, boutiques, wineries, breweries, outfitters and other service providers, all while knowing that the money will strengthen the PA Wilds economy.

All businesses available on the Shop the PA Wilds digital gift card are members of the Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania, a growing network of more than 450 small businesses based in the 13-county PA Wilds region.

“Nestled among our region’s more than 2 million acres of public lands are beautiful gateway communities that are brimming with unique establishments, such as specialty retailers, restaurants, breweries, outfitters, galleries, and other service providers. We want to help explorers find those experiences and the unique opportunities and products that they each offer. That’s why we’re so excited to launch this new digital gift card program,” explained Abbi Peters, COO of the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Inc., the nonprofit that manages the Wilds Cooperative of PA network and regional lifestyle marketing for the PA Wilds Conservation Landscape.  “In addition to being a new program for our members in the Wilds Cooperative, it’s an exciting way for our organization to be able to collaborate with, connect and promote communities across the region. Some already have digital and traditional gift cards and incentivization programs that can complement this really well!”

Anyone looking to provide a gift card can simply go to the Shop the PA Wilds digital gift card website at https://app.yiftee.com/gift-card/pa-wilds-kane and select the amount of money they would like to share via a gift card. Simply choose a recipient, and the digital gift card will be shared via email or text message.  The recipient can then use that digital gift card, which is available electronically or by printing it onto paper, to make purchases at participating merchants across the PA Wilds region. A directory on the site shows which businesses are already participating in the gift card program, and new businesses are joining regularly.

Volume discounts are available for one time or ongoing purchases of $1,000 or more paid in advance by check or ACH. Support your local community with bulk purchases, employee rewards, customer appreciation, holiday gifts, welcome gifts, incentives, etc.

Purchase a Shop the PA Wilds digital gift card at https://app.yiftee.com/gift-card/pa-wilds-kane. More stores are joining on a regular basis.


The Shop the PA Wilds digital gift card can be used at any establishment that has signed up for the program. To be eligible to participate, establishments must be located in the Pennsylvania Wilds and members of the Wilds Cooperative of PA, which is free to join and does not have any membership dues. Businesses must also be able to accept MasterCard credit cards within their point of sale system as the digital gift cards are manually keyed into a POS.

Members of the Wilds Cooperative of PA can easily sign up by logging into their member accounts at www.wildscopa.org/manage-account/ and visiting the Branding Assets section at www.wildscopa.org/branding-assets/. Simply click the Shop the PA Wilds Digital Gift Card asset, and then scroll to the bottom of the landing page to “Apply to Join.” You will receive an email with an activation code to enable your POS to accept the digital gift cards.

Not yet a member of the Wilds Cooperative of PA? Learn more and join today at www.wildscopa.org/about.

Entrepreneurs who have questions are invited to reach out for support by emailing hello@pawildscenter.org.


Interested in your community getting involved with the Shop the PA Wilds gift card? Email bmadera@pawildscenter.org.

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