Thursday, May 12, 2022

Faith Community Health Ministry Network Being Developed in Allegany County


BELMONT – Allegany Hope is undertaking a new initiative to create an Allegany County Faith Community Health Ministry Network (FCHMN) within and among Allegany County churches and faith-based organizations to help develop ways to better serve congregations and communities as it relates to holistic health needs of individuals and families of all ages.

 Casey Jones, executive director of Allegany Hope, Inc., said the organization is working to bring together healthcare professionals and interested persons to help identify congregant and community needs and then facilitate communication and available resources about physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health, all common denominators for a healthy lifestyle.

This initiative will be facilitated by Jones, who has an extensive background in public information dissemination and exchange, and helped expand a Faith Community Nurses group in Southeastern Pennsylvania to a FCHMN model, which includes any interested individuals.

One method of development is for churches of any size to create health ministry councils which can be as few as a single individual who is interested in service to others.  Councils then gather information on congregant and community needs and determine internal and external means by which they can be met as resources are identified and become available.

 Information is exchanged with and among members of congregations and other faith organizations as they relate to encouraging healthy practices by individuals and families.

Representatives of the individual councils also meet as members of a FCHMN for simple trainings, exchange of information, and education about resources within the county and beyond.

 “Although obtaining authoritative information about COVID-19 and mitigation measures during the ongoing pandemic has been a significant health focus by many over the past two years, other lesser recognized issues continue to impact individuals, families and communities,” Jones said.

 “These include, but by no means are limited to, general topics such as healthy eating, cancer and heart disease support, aging, early childhood and elder needs, developmental disabilities, mental health and trauma experienced by all ages, and more,” the director noted, “along with specific items such as losing weight, allergies, lead poisoning, rabies, Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, and additional prevention measures.”

 He noted that “simply making people aware of various health issues and providing information about resources and support can begin a focus on healthy lifestyles and a longer, better quality of life.”

Individuals from both within and outside faith communities who are interested in this free initiative can contact the executive director at or (484) 435-0503.  Allegany Hope is a nonprofit, non-denominational Christian organization focused on Building Healthy Communities Through Healthy Families, accomplished through development of stronger holistic health practices -- physical, mental/emotional and spiritual – by individuals and families, which helps create a full balance in life.

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