Monday, May 16, 2022

PDA Roundup: Mental Health Awareness Month

Having the conversation about mental health is important, but the resources are critical. Farmers are resilient by nature and must constantly solve their own problems every single day, so it may be more difficult for them to admit that they can’t fix their own problems or need help.


Anyone, at any age, can experience these feelings and deserves treatment. Know the signs. Have the conversation. Ask for help.


The AgriStress Helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 833-897-AGRI (2474)

Mental Health Resources

Pennsylvania Awarded $2.45 Million in Federal Grants to Grow Market for Vegetable, Fruit, Nut and Nursery Specialty Crops


The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture announced more than $2.45 million in federal grants awarded to 23 projects that will grow markets and increase the quality, safety and sustainability of the state's vegetable, fruit, nut and nursery specialty crops. Funding went toward projects in Berks, Centre, Chester, Dauphin, Indiana, Lawrence, Perry, and Philadelphia counties, all of which benefit growers statewide.


"Pennsylvania specialty crops feed our state, our nation and our planet," said Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding. "These grants increase profits and sustainability by increasing quality, protecting crops from pest, disease and climate threats, and helping growers attract and train the workforce they need to keep producing healthy, high quality crops to feed the world."

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The Pennsylvania Invasive Species Council is launching the first Pennsylvania Native Species Day on Friday, June 17.  


Goal: To help more Pennsylvanians celebrate native plant, tree, fish, insect, and other species, and learn about the pressures that invasive nonnative species present to their survival. 


There are many actions that farms, educators, community and professional organizations, business owners, government offices, and residents can take to participate. You might go big with an idea for an activity you may have, or you can do something small and easily incorporated into your regular programming.


Looking for ideas for activities? There will be suggestions such as a communications toolkit for participants that will include a Governor's Proclamation of Pennsylvania Native Species Day, as well as key messages, graphics, and suggested social media posts. 


For more information and materials, please visit the website or contact Deb Klenotic at, or 717-649-9136, if you have any questions.

Sustainable Livelihoods and Behavioral Health: Strategies and Partnerships to Address Farm Stress and Suicide

May 17-19, 2022 from 1:00 - 5:00 PM ET. 


Throughout the past several years, the farm economy has faced tremendous challenges, even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. While mental health is a struggle many Americans face, there are a significant number of rural Americans working through tough mental health situations.

The event convenes leaders from Federal agencies, the farming and ranching sector, technical assistance providers, as well as individuals and other strategic partners, to focus on current challenges, the USDA response, as well as best practices and strategies addressing farm and ranch stress.


National Organic Survey Needs Your Input!


Are you certified organic? If you have not yet mailed in your organic survey, please visit this site to fill out your survey on-line.


The survey asks producers to provide information on acreage, production, and sales as well as production and marketing practices. This effort is critical to help determine the economic impact of certified organic agriculture production both in the country and in Pennsylvania! Results from previous surveys helped the Commonwealth prioritize funding to support producers and processors interested in transitioning to certified organic.


The results from the 2019 organic survey determined that PA ranks 3rd in the nation in organic sales and #1 in organic livestock & poultry, eggs, and mushrooms.

Annual Organic Field Day at the Rodale Institute 

July 22, 2022


Join Rodale Institute’s researchers and staff to learn the latest results of their research projects and visit nearly 20 demonstration stations on their 386-acre experimental farm. Participants will have the opportunity to interact one-on-one with Rodale Institute experts and learn about a wide variety of research and demonstration projects, all focused on organic agriculture. The PA Department of Agriculture will be on hand to explain services provided through the state.

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The PA Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) 2022 Growing Greener Plus and FY2023 Section 319 Grant Rounds are officially open!


You can find more information, including the guidance documents, sample forms, and recorded webinars, posted here:


Deadline: The applications are due on Friday, June 24, 2022, at 5:00 PM.

NHLA Inspector Training School - Class 199


NHLA is excited to bring their 8-week Inspector Training School program to Clearfield, PA. The program is a mix of hands-on training and testing, in-class lectures, group study, one-on-one training with the instructor, and more. Students who successfully fulfill all of the program requirements will receive a certificate of completion. 


The summer class is made possible through a grant award through the PA Department of Agriculture's Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. Companies who send a student or individual non-sponsored students who reside in Pennsylvania and successfully complete this program will receive a 50% tuition reimbursement. The reimbursement will be provided from the PA DOA Grant. 

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